New Wohlstand

Since 07/2023 55 Episoden

Kave Bulambo

Rethinking the Extraction Paradigm

02.07.2024 27 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

In this episode we welcome Kave Bulambo, an impact-driven entrepreneur originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Kave shares her fascinating journey from growing up in South Africa to becoming a key figure in Germany's entrepreneurial landscape. With a strong focus on diversity, inclusion, and social impact, Kave's work through her companies, Talent Diverse and Black in Tech Berlin, is making significant strides in fostering inclusive workplaces and supporting African and Black professionals in Germany.

Kave delves into her vision of a good life, emphasizing the importance of both internal well-being—encompassing peace, love, and joy—and external factors such as access to basic resources like food, water, shelter, and healthcare. She contrasts the wealth disparity between the resource-rich yet economically poor Congo and the structured wealth of Germany, highlighting the systemic issues of extraction without reinvestment that plague her home country.

The conversation shifts to the future, discussing the need for a new generation of leaders who are aware of climate change, systemic discrimination, and inequality. Kave stresses the importance of education and awareness in fostering leaders who can think sustainably and inclusively. She advocates for a shift from extraction-based economies to models that invest back into communities, ensuring that wealth benefits everyone.

As the discussion wraps up, Kave shares her belief in the power of community and the importance of drawing others into spaces of abundance and opportunity. She calls for a mindset of abundance and sustainability, urging individuals and companies to open doors for others and create transformative change together.