New Wohlstand

Since 07/2023 32 Episoden
Isabel Gennaro
The Power of Spirituality in Creating Systemic Change

30.04.2024 66 min

Isabel Gennaro, a social innovator, shares her personal journey of discovering her purpose and passion for creating systemic change. She recounts her experiences growing up in Brazil, witnessing poverty and inequality, and how it shaped her perspective on the world. Isabel highlights the moment she realized that everyone is living a life where they don't feel good, and how that sparked her desire to question everything and seek a different path. She also discusses the significance of her mentor, a shaman, and the impact of spirituality on her life and work. Through her story, Isabel emphasizes the importance of getting out of the mind and into the feeling world, where unity and a different quality of life can be found.
Gaya Herrington
Rewriting the Future

23.04.2024 57 min

In this thought-provoking conversation, Gaya Herrington shares her insights on what a good life for all might look like and the kind of society and economy we need to make it a reality. Gaya, an economist and sustainability researcher, gained recognition for her research validating the predictions of the Limits to Growth report, which has led her to explore and advocate for a wellbeing economy. Throughout the discussion, Gaya emphasizes the importance of shifting from a growth-based economy to one that prioritizes human wellbeing within planetary boundaries. She highlights the need for a holistic approach, including changes in government policies, business practices, and individual mindsets. Gaya also shares her vision of a society where people understand that they are enough, fostering a sense of contentment and altruism. Gaya's work and ideas offer a path towards a more balanced and equitable future, inviting us all to reconsider our values and the systems that govern our lives. To learn more about Gaya's research and ideas, download her free book "Five Insights for Avoiding Global Collapse" at
Katherine Trebeck
Redefining Wealth

16.04.2024 56 min

In this episode we are joined by Catherine Trebeck, an advocate for economic system change and co-founder of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. Catherine shares her journey from working in international trade to advocating for a wellbeing economy, inspired by a conversation with a lecturer who encouraged her to look upstream and question the political economy. Catherine reflects on the power of understanding our common humanity and the importance of recognizing our shared needs and values. She emphasizes the need for a broader base in the economic change movement and the importance of making connections between our common human needs and the economic system. Catherine envisions an economic system that delivers collective wellbeing for people and the planet, where businesses are owned locally, energy systems are renewable, housing is energy efficient, and prices reflect the true costs of goods. She encourages us to recognize and celebrate our common humanity and to lead with empathy, compassion, and solidarity.
Adi Cohen
Redefining wealth as a journey

09.04.2024 67 min

Adi Cohen, a traveler, architect, and podcast host, discusses what a good life looks like for everyone on the planet and how a society can be designed to optimize for that life. Adi believes that a good life is having free time and the ability to follow one's passions. She also emphasizes the importance of community and understanding one's values in order to find people with aligned values and build a supportive community. She encourages seeking out new experiences and learning from the past in order to live a fulfilling life. In terms of a society that optimizes for a good life, Adi suggests that it should prioritize community, cooperation, and sustainability. She believes that by focusing on these principles, a society can create an environment where individuals have the freedom and support to pursue their passions and live fulfilling lives.
Asmita Dwivedi
Redefining Success

02.04.2024 68 min

In a world where success is often measured by wealth and status, Asmita Dwivedi challenges us to redefine our understanding of prosperity. Asmita is an entrepreneur, business consultant, and impact investor who has dedicated her career to creating a more equitable and sustainable world. In a conversation for the Regenerative Market Economy podcast, Asmita shared her insights on the importance of empathy, diversity, and a global minimum standard of living in creating a world where businesses, communities, and individuals thrive in harmony with nature and each other. Asmita's journey has taken her from running a small business with 900 workers in India to consulting for M&A in Sweden. Along the way, she has learned the value of understanding different cultures and perspectives. She believes that empathy and curiosity are key to creating a more equitable world. When it comes to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Asmita challenges us to think beyond the traditional definition of basic needs. She argues that a global minimum standard of living is necessary to ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive. This includes not only food, shelter, and healthcare, but also education, leisure, and the ability to pursue one's passions. Asmita also emphasizes the importance of finding balance between structure and chaos. She believes that a regenerative market economy is one that prioritizes the well-being of all people and the planet over profit. This means recognizing that our well-being is interconnected and that our actions have a ripple effect on those aro...
Candice Mama
From Pain to Forgiveness

26.03.2024 63 min

In this episode, we are joined by Candice Mama, an optimistic seeker and advocate for forgiveness, healing, and trauma. Candice shares her personal story of growing up in South Africa under apartheid and her decision to meet and advocate for the parole of her father's killer, Eugene de Kock. Through her work, Candice emphasizes the importance of exploring both the light and darkness within ourselves and overcoming pain to live harmoniously with others. She discusses the role of environment in shaping our lives and the importance of changing our internal environment to create positive change in our external world. Candice also shares insights on the true meaning of wealth and the power of vulnerability and community in creating a good life.
Peter Wohlleben
Nachhaltigkeit, Mitgefühl und globale Verantwortung

19.03.2024 55 min

In dieser Folge ist Peter Wohlleben, ein bekannter Förster und Autor, zu Gast. Er spricht über seine persönliche Geschichte, seine Motivation und was ihn antreibt, seine Arbeit und seinen Einsatz für den Umweltschutz. Peter Wohlleben teilt seine Gedanken darüber, wie eine regenerative Gesellschaft aussehen könnte und was getan werden muss, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Er betont die Wichtigkeit von Demokratie, Bildung und globaler Zusammenarbeit, um die Grundbedürfnisse aller Menschen zu erfüllen und gleichzeitig die Umwelt zu schützen. Peter Wohlleben spricht sich für eine stärkere Regulierung von Lobbyismus und für die Einführung eines Bürgerrats als dritte Kammer in der Demokratie aus, um die Interessen der Bevölkerung besser zu vertreten. Er betont die Bedeutung von Mitgefühl und Liebe gegenüber unseren Mitgeschöpfen und der Umwelt und ermutigt die Zuhörer, die Natur als Spiegelbild zu sehen und ihr Handeln entsprechend anzupassen. Peter Wohlleben ist der Ansicht, dass eine Uno mit mehr demokratischer Legitimation und Mitspracherecht für die Weltbevölkerung ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung einer nachhaltigeren und gerechteren Welt sein könnte.
Canay Atalay
from Innovation to Inclusivity

12.03.2024 60 min

Today Canay Atalay shares her transformative journey and insights on creating a regenerative market economy. Canay, with her rich background in product management, media technology, and startup innovation, discusses her evolution towards conscious business model design and the importance of integrating human values into our systems. She emphasizes the significance of listening deeply, both to ourselves and to the world around us, as a pathway to understanding and action. Her narrative weaves through her experiences from her childhood connections with nature, through her professional life where she observed the limitations of traditional business models focused on profit over people and planet, to her personal awakening as a mother. This awakening led her to question the harmony of her actions with her values and whether she would want her daughters to inherit the world she was helping to shape. Canay's journey is one of continuous learning, unlearning, and transformation, driven by her relentless faith in humanity and life itself. As she delves into the methodologies she employs and teaches, such as conscious business model design and Socratic Dialogue, Canay highlights the importance of embodying our values and using them as a guide to innovate and regenerate our businesses, technologies, and social systems. She passionately speaks about the potential of Regenerative AI and conscious business models to create a more inclusive, diverse, and life-centric world, where technology serves the betterment of all life. Canay's story is a call to action for leaders, innovators, a...
Alexa Firmenich
Harmonizing Human and Ecological Systems

05.03.2024 60 min

Alexa Firmenich offers a profound insight into the necessity of aligning human systems with ecological systems to foster a regenerative future. Alexa, deeply influenced by Dzogchen Buddhism, emphasizes the importance of dissolving the ego to harmonize with nature, viewing herself as part of the wider ecological system rather than a separate entity. Her professional journey is a testament to this philosophy, with her work spanning the development of holistic measures for biodiversity at ETH Zurich, managing a nature-centric investment portfolio, and initiating "Life Worlds" podcast to explore human relationships with the non-human world.Alexa challenges the current anthropocentric approach to climate and biodiversity, advocating for a shift in perspective that values the intrinsic worth of nature beyond its utility to humans. She underscores the role of empathy and care in overcoming the dualities that fragment our understanding of the world, suggesting that recognizing our interconnectedness with life forms can drive meaningful action towards regeneration.Her approach to wealth and the good life diverges from conventional metrics, focusing on mental health, community, and purpose over material accumulation. Alexa envisions a world where wealth includes the thriving of all species, advocating for systems that integrate this broader definition of health and prosperity. She calls for participatory democratic structures, like citizen assemblies, to empower individuals with a sense of agency and collective power, reinforcing the importance of grassroots movements in driving s...
Nina Cejnar
Finding Joy and Strength in a World on the Brink

27.02.2024 54 min

In a world teetering on the brink, Nina's voice offers a refreshing breath of optimism. Ditching the "save the world" superhero cape, she shares a journey of finding profound joy and purpose in the "micro," in actions driven by passion and a deep connection to nature. Forget the spotlight, Nina champions the "humble hero," those who find fulfillment in contributing without fanfare. Her message is a call to arms, but not with swords and shields. Instead, she urges us to lay down the weapon of fear and reclaim the inherent love that resides within us all. This, she believes, is the key to unlocking a future brimming with compassion and regeneration. It's simple, yet potent: start with your family, the bedrock of your world. Practice compassion, nurture love, and witness its ripple effect transform your reality, one small act at a time. Join us as we delve into: The hidden joys and profound purpose found in the "micro" Shifting from fear to love as the driving force for change Embracing the power of the "humble hero" Cultivating compassion in the tapestry of everyday life Practical steps for building a world woven with love This conversation is a balm for the soul, a reminder that even amidst the storm, hope and joy can blossom. Take a deep breath, tune in, and be inspired by the transformative power of love. Let Nina's infectious optimism guide you on a journey towards a future brimming with possibility, where love becomes the revolution.
Asha Singh
Interconnectedness and mutual respect.

20.02.2024 65 min

Today you are treated to a profound exploration of what constitutes a "good life" and how a societal and economic system can foster such a life for all. Asha delves into her rich tapestry of personal and professional experiences, ranging from her early life influenced by diverse cultures and her adventures across Europe, to her academic pursuits in engineering and business, and her eventual deep dive into the realms of yoga, meditation, and sustainable living. This eclectic background sets the stage for her current work in facilitating complex adaptive systems and her commitment to fostering dialogues that bridge differences and cultivate a shared vision for the future.Asha's narrative weaves through her journey of self-discovery, professional evolution, and her passionate engagement with environmental and societal regeneration. From her childhood adventures across various countries to her work in garden design, business English teaching in Italy, and her transformative experiences in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery, Asha's life story is a testament to the power of curiosity, adaptability, and the search for meaning beyond conventional boundaries.Central to the conversation is Asha's nuanced understanding of "New Wohlstand" or prosperity, which she envisions as a harmonious blend of personal freedom, community connection, and a deep engagement with nature and the arts. Asha articulates a compelling vision for a regenerative market economy where diverse forms of capital—beyond just financial—are recognized and nurtured. She emphasizes the importance of local, contextual adap...
Jack Manning Bancroft
Navigating Edges: Cultivating Regenerative Futures

13.02.2024 73 min

This episode with Jack Manning Bancroft delves into a wide range of topics centered around societal change, personal development, leadership, and the interaction with nature and indigenous wisdom. Our conversation begins with Jack describing his connection to the oldest continuous culture in the world, his journey of navigating between different spaces and cultures, and his efforts to address global inequity through imaginative solutions. Jack discusses his motivation to push boundaries, to explore the edges of human potential, and his belief in causing "good trouble" to foster kindness and abundance. He shares insights into his 20-year journey of working at the edge, breaking norms, and challenging societal structures to bring about change. Jack emphasizes the importance of mentoring, knowledge sharing, and the role of stories in understanding and addressing inequity. He reflects on his personal growth, the responsibility of being a mentor, and the impact of mentoring on developing a moral and ethical framework. The conversation also covers the need for humanity to engage with nature and other species in a more intelligent and relational manner, suggesting that true wealth and contentment come from being in harmony with the world around us. Jack discusses the power of imagination in creating a better future, the role of leadership in facilitating change, and the importance of moving beyond fear to embrace possibilities. He advocates for a shift in economic models to prioritize custodianship over acquisition, highlighting the potential of nature-based economies and the v...
Daniel Dahm
wie die regenerative Marktwirtschaft die Zukunft revolutionieren kann

06.02.2024 90 min

Daniel Dahm, Wissenschaftler und Aktivist und Pionier  auf dem Gebiet der Nachhaltigkeit und regenerativen Wirtschaft, erörtert zunächst die Grundprinzipien der regenerativen Marktwirtschaft. Er betont, dass diese Wirtschaftsform darauf abzielt, Ressourcen zu erneuern und zu erhalten, anstatt sie zu erschöpfen. Dahm argumentiert, dass eine solche Wirtschaftsweise nicht nur ökologisch nachhaltig, sondern auch ökonomisch vorteilhaft ist, da sie langfristige Stabilität und Wohlstand fördert. Im Verlauf des Gesprächs geht Dahm auf die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten ein, die mit der Umstellung auf eine regenerative Marktwirtschaft verbunden sind. Er spricht über die Notwendigkeit, bestehende Wirtschaftsstrukturen und Denkweisen zu überdenken und betont die Rolle von Innovation und Technologie bei der Förderung regenerativer Praktiken. Dahm hebt hervor, dass ein Umdenken in der Gesellschaft und bei den Entscheidungsträgern erforderlich ist, um den Übergang zu einer nachhaltigeren Wirtschaftsweise zu ermöglichen. Des Weiteren diskutiert Dahm konkrete Beispiele und Fallstudien, die zeigen, wie regenerative Wirtschaftspraktiken in verschiedenen Sektoren umgesetzt werden können. Er bezieht sich dabei auf Erfahrungen aus der Landwirtschaft, der Energieerzeugung und anderen Industrien, um zu demonstrieren, wie regenerative Ansätze sowohl ökologische als auch ökonomische Vorteile bieten können. Abschließend betont Dahm die Dringlichkeit des Handelns angesichts der globalen Umwelt- und Klimakrise. Er fordert die Zuhörer auf, sich aktiv für eine regenerative Marktwirtschaft einzus...
Melanie Rieback
Discover how Melanie Rieback's innovative Post-Growth Entrepreneurship Roadshow is revolutionizing the business landscape towards sustainability and social responsibility, reshaping our understanding of prosperity.

30.01.2024 60 min

In this conversation Melanie Rieback shared her insights on "new prosperity" and her journey toward social entrepreneurship, particularly focusing on Post Growth Entrepreneurship (PGE). Melanie's venture into creating Radically Open Security as a not-for-profit, foundation-owned company was highlighted as an example of her commitment to using business as a form of activism, redefining success in the business world away from purely profit-driven motives. During the podcast, Melanie elaborated on her initiative, the PGE Roadshow, which she had launched just five days prior to the recording. This initiative is a significant step towards spreading the ethos of Post Growth Entrepreneurship to a wider audience, particularly targeting business schools and startup incubators. For those interested in gaining deeper insights into the PGE Roadshow and potentially participating, Melanie shared a LinkedIn post ( detailing the initiative. Additionally, she provided a sign-up form ( for those interested in bringing the concept of Post Growth Entrepreneurship to their local communities. To further explain and provide context to Post Growth Entrepreneurship, Melanie Rieback provided several resources. This includes a 3-minute PGE explainer video ( available on YouTube, offering a concise overview of the concept. Additionally, an article...
Tharald Nustad
New Wohlstand

23.01.2024 52 min

Tharald is Norwegian, grew up in Norway, and studied physics in the US. Coming from a family that emphasized positive societal impact and business success, he ventured into the tech space after his studies, starting several companies. His journey into impactful life began around 2010 when he started working with Ashoka, helping social entrepreneurs make a positive impact. This experience led him to impact investing and eventually, in 2014, he committed to 100% impact, dedicating his time, capital, and skills to creating positive global change.He talks about starting Catapult in 2016, which included initiatives like the Catapult FutureFest, Catapult Accelerator, and others, focusing on mobilizing people around impact investing, technology, and building a better society. The discussion also touches upon how businesses can be a force for good, combining problem-solving with profitable models.Tharald also shares his views on what constitutes a good life and society, discussing concepts like Wohlstand (well-being beyond just material wealth) and the idea of a post-scarcity society. He believes in the importance of having material needs and security met, allowing people to focus on more fulfilling aspects of life.The conversation delves into the shifts needed in the financial system to support this vision. Tharald argues for the integration of externalities into the financial system, the shift from short-term profit focus to long-term impact, and the need for a fundamental change in the perception of capital's purpose. He also emphasizes the role of innovation in addressing gl...
Rachel Donald
New Wohlstand

09.01.2024 63 min

Rachel describes herself as a human being at her core, deeply involved in investigating gaslighting in the realm of climate corruption. She focuses on those who claim to do good but continue harmful practices. This drive stems from her upbringing in a household with a strong orientation towards justice, yet marred by unspoken pain and gaslighting. Rachel emphasizes the importance of truth-telling and courage, especially in the face of widespread disinformation and a misleading political stage.Rachel’s journey has been varied and unconventional. She started as a tabloid journalist, later quitting to pursue different paths, including teaching in France, running a publishing house in Eastern Germany, and working in a corporate role. Throughout her career, she remained focused on communication, education, and uncovering underlying truths.Her path led her to develop the Planet Critical podcast, which evolved into a platform for investigating capitalism and the climate crisis. Rachel’s work in this area highlighted the interconnectedness of corrupt politics, financial systems, and environmental degradation. She rebranded her work to focus on climate corruption and crisis resolution.Rachel shares her definition of wealth, discussing how it is derived from the exploitation of natural abundance. She believes that wealth transformation is analogous to energy transformation, emphasizing that power in the world is the capacity to transform natural abundance into sovereign wealth. Rachel advocates for rethinking our relationship with natural resources and wealth creation.Discussing t...
Karel Golta
New Wohlstand

02.01.2024 61 min

Karel describes himself as a 'Business Romantic' and an 'Innovation Rebel', emphasizing his desire to challenge the status quo and promote continuous change. He stresses the importance of adapting and thinking creatively, especially in today's fast-paced world where traditional innovations may no longer be sufficient.The discussion explores the subjectivity of 'a good life', suggesting that it varies greatly based on individual circumstances and cultural backgrounds. Karel, drawing from his extensive experience, underlines the significance of having basic needs met without anxiety, and the crucial role of social capital in ensuring a sense of safety and support in society.Karel also delves into cultural differences he has observed, particularly in Germany, and contrasts these with his own experiences. He notes the differences in attitudes towards the elderly, the value of social capital, and communal support systems.The conversation touches upon the economic system and societal agreements, where Karel proposes a balance between financial capital and social capital. He advocates for cooperation without expectations of return, contributing to society for its own sake. This philosophy extends to his role as an academic and mentor, where he aims to contribute to the community.Karel's insights on untainted love and empathy are profound. He shares an exercise of looking into another person's eyes, leading to a realization of interconnectedness and empathy. This reflects his broader perspective on the importance of seeing others as extensions of ourselves.
Lynda Chinenye Iroulo
New Wohlstand

26.12.2023 50 min

Lynda, a Nigerian and an assistant professor of international relations, shares her journey from Nigeria to Berlin for her PhD and eventually working in a U.S. institution while living in Qatar. She discusses the significance of names in African cultures and her Igbo ethnicity. Despite the political and economic challenges in Nigeria, she still considers it home  The concept of a good life, according to Lynda, is subjective and influenced by one's background. Growing up in Nigeria, her idea of a good life was having enough to support herself, her family, and her community, reflecting the communal culture she was raised in. She emphasizes the importance of having enough to cover basic needs without anxiety  Lynda touches upon the challenges of traveling with a Nigerian passport due to global perceptions and restrictions. She values the learning and growth that comes from interacting with different cultures of 'enough' in different cultures, where Lynda emphasizes covering basic needs and the value of social capital in feeling safe and supported  The conversation delves into cultural differences observed in Germany, particularly in attitudes towards the elderly and the value of social capital. Lynda contrasts this with the communal support systems in Nigerian culture, where families and communities play a significant role in taking care of each other  Regarding the economic system and societal agreements, Lynda suggests the necessity of balancing financial capital with social capital. She observes that in her experience, societies tend to cooperate with an expectation ...
Jessie Lydia Henshaw
New Wohlstand

19.12.2023 63 min

Jessie Lydia Henshaw has unique insights to share based on her diverse background. Growing up surrounded by scientists and educators, she studied physics but recognized the need to understand systems holistically over time. Her studies led her to architecture, where she pioneered solar building and microclimate research. Through meticulously monitoring energy flows in houses, Jessie discovered that energy moves through organization, not just abstract numbers. This realization launched her into the fields of general systems theory and recognizing nature's patterns. She saw that all growth systems, from the smallest cells to entire civilizations, proceed through explosive, extractive growth before shifting resources toward maintaining stability and continuity when contexts change. Applying this lens, Jessie perceives that civilization has perfected tools for multiplying power while losing sight of impacts on surrounding contexts. Now, an overpowering economic system steers itself according to profits alone toward inevitable limits. For Jessie, true wealth integrates reasoning and feelings, allows healthy potential to emerge from small beginnings, and freely completes one's journey from immaturity to mature engagement with the world. An economic system respecting nature would distribute some profits to relieve accumulated crises and use some to proactively steer toward societal well-being beyond growth. Jessie also sees wisdom in returning to the roots of words to reveal original intents linking mind to nature. This fosters cohesion over artificial divisions and misundersta...
Indy Johar
New Wohlstand

12.12.2023 65 min

Indy shares that his experiences growing up in Delhi during riots in the 1980s shaped his view on the power of division and violence, leading him to question underlying philosophies and seek coherence. He studied architecture and was interested in democratizing how we construct our built environments and societies, which gave him insights into how we create environments and the limitations of current systems.Indy discusses the concept of "self-terminating" systems, where our treatment of nature as a dead resource to consume is actually driving feedback loops that are destroying ecological systems and impacting humanity. This feedback is building planetary intelligence. He advocates for a shift to seeing nature as generative rather than a resource, and moving to relationships of treaty rather than enslavement through concepts like property, which opens up new concepts of wealth and relationships.Indy's work with Dark Matter and others explores new frameworks like houses and land that own themselves, self-sovereign surveillance systems, tree canopies as assets rather than liabilities, and reimagining governance of natural and technological systems. He sees the need for soul, worldview and institutional shifts alongside technological change to transition to systems that are life-affirming for all, including humans, non-humans and machines.Indy envisions a potential future of hyperabundance if we can survive the next few decades, once energy superabundance is unlocked, but warns excessive consumption could be self-terminating without shifts in how we see ourselves. His key c...
Gugulethu Mahlangu
New Wohlstand

05.12.2023 62 min

Gugulethu, a South African native and daughter of a miner and a nurse, shares her experiences growing up in a mining town, her academic journey, and her eventual gravitation towards agriculture. Despite initially studying agriculture at university as a means to an end, she later found a genuine connection to it, especially after volunteering on a farm.Gugulethu's narrative includes challenges such as unemployment, redefining her identity, and the transition from studying human physiology, genetics, and psychology to embracing agriculture. She narrates her unexpected introduction to agriculture through volunteering, leading to a deeper understanding of herself and her passions.Her entrepreneurial journey began with spinach farming, which thrived during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the resilience and potential of agriculture as a business. Despite initial struggles, including debt and crop damage due to weather conditions, she persisted and eventually diversified into aquaponics, leveraging an accidental mislabeling by the China Global Television Network. This mislabeling led to an opportunity with a German investor and her involvement in a commercial aquaponics farm.Gugulethu highlights the role of women in agriculture, emphasizing their meticulous nature and their ability to think beyond business to community welfare. She discusses the importance of skills development and the integration of modern agricultural techniques like aquaponics for economic growth and sustainability.Towards the end of the interview, Gugulethu touches upon the regenerative potential of agr...
Henning Reiche
New Wohlstand

28.11.2023 64 min

Dieses Gespräch mit Henning Reiche, dem Gründer von Truesday Cafe bietet interessante Einblicke in die Welt des nachhaltigen Kaffeehandels. Henning erzählt von seiner Reise, die ihn von der Gastronomie und Hotellerie zum Gründer eines Kaffeeunternehmens führte, das sich auf die Internalisierung der versteckten Kosten im Kaffeeanbau konzentriert. Diese Kosten umfassen Umweltaspekte wie Klimawandel, Boden- und Wasserverschmutzung sowie soziale Kosten.Henning hebt hervor, wie sein Unternehmen durch die Zusammenarbeit mit NGOs und die Nutzung von Primär- und Sekundärdaten die tatsächlichen Kosten des Kaffeeanbaus ermittelt. Diese umfassende Betrachtung ermöglicht es ihnen, einen "wahren Preis" für Kaffee zu berechnen, der alle Umwelt- und sozialen Kosten berücksichtigt. Er betont, dass ihr Kaffee zwar teurer ist als herkömmlicher Kaffee, aber für Liebhaber von Spezialitätenkaffee durchaus erschwinglich ist.Ein zentrales Thema des Gesprächs ist die Verantwortung der Verbraucher und der Politik für die Umwelt- und sozialen Kosten der Produkte, die wir konsumieren. Henning argumentiert, dass viele Produkte, wie billiger Kaffee und Fleisch, aufgrund ihrer versteckten Kosten nicht auf dem Markt sein sollten. Er spricht sich für mehr Transparenz und Bewusstsein bei den Verbrauchern aus und betont die Notwendigkeit, unseren Konsum zu überdenken und nachhaltigere Entscheidungen zu treffen.Das Interview endet mit einem Aufruf zu mehr Bewusstsein und Verantwortung im Konsumverhalten. Henning  und Sebastian, diskutieren die Bedeutung von bewussteren Kaufentscheidungen und der Berücksic...
Lynx Guimond
New Wohlstand

21.11.2023 51 min

In this conversation Lynx Guimond, founder of Sailcargo shares about his life and the contribution towards a regenerative his organization makes. The vision at Sailcargo is to prove the value of clean shipping. Through combining innovative, clean technologies with low-impact, regenerative systems, they aim to construct and operate a world-leading fleet of emission-free cargo ships. Their flagship and pioneering vessel, Ceiba, is a 46-meter schooner currently being constructed at Astilleroverde, their green shipyard located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. When she hits the water, she will be the largest emission-free, wooden cargo ship in the world. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, we have Ceiba’s sister, Vega, which was originally built in 1909 before full restoration and refit in recent years. She is on the verge of beginning her new life as a sailing cargo vessel and becoming their first active ship. Sailcargo is the top holding company responsible for the financial management, operational oversight, and market outreach of both of these ships. They are proud to offer their partners total commitment to a triple bottom line; 1. > Financial Security: We are proud to offer an annual return on investment of 6% after 5-10 years of active clean shipping. 2. > Environmental Protection: We are unconditionally committed to cleaning up the maritime industry. Our actions go beyond emission-free propulsion; Sailcargo´s business model is built around a regenerative, closed-loop cycle that integrates environmentally-conscious services with effective reforestation. 3...
Axel Kaiser
New Wohlstand

07.11.2023 65 min

Axel Kaiser spricht in dieser Episode über seinen Lebensweg und seine Arbeit. Ursprünglich lernte Axel das Handwerk des Automechanikers, doch durch familiäre Umstände landete er schließlich in einem von ihm und seinem Bruder gegründeten Zahnlabor. Dort stieß Axel vor über 20 Jahren durch Zufall auf die Idee, alternative Methoden der Zahnpflege zu untersuchen. Bei Forschungen für eine Doktorarbeit wurde Axel auf die Möglichkeit aufmerksam, Zähne mit Tabletten anstatt herkömmlicher Zahnpasta zu putzen. Obwohl diese Methode medizinisch und ökologisch vorteilhaft schien, stieß Axel bei dem Versuch, seine Idee zu vermarkten, auf großen Widerstand in der Industrie. Fast 20 Jahre lang hatte er große Schwierigkeiten, Unternehmen und Investoren von seinem Konzept zu überzeugen. Schließlich gründete Axel selbst ein Unternehmen, um die Zahnpflege-Tabletten eigenständig zu produzieren. Im Podcast gibt Axel Einblick in die langjährigen Herausforderungen, vor allem den Widerstand gegen Traditionelles und Etabliertes zu überwinden. Mittlerweile haben sich seine Tabletten am Markt etabliert. Axel sieht sein Konzept als Beispiel dafür, dass es wichtig ist, traditionelle Produkte und Methoden stets kritisch zu hinterfragen. Obwohl der Weg noch lang war, zeigt Axels Geschichte, dass nachhaltige Innovationen sich gegen Widerstände durchsetzen können. Das Gespräch vermittelt Einblicke in Axels Lebensweg und seine Überzeugung, die Gesellschaft weiterzuentwickeln.
Jordan Hall
New Wohlstand

24.10.2023 76 min

In dieser Episode ist Jordan Hall zu Gast. Das Gespräch beginnt mit einer Einführung von Jordan, in der er seine vielfältigen Erfahrungen und Perspektiven teilt. Er spricht über seine familiären Hintergründe, die sowohl liberale als auch konservative Einflüsse hatten, und wie diese unterschiedlichen Perspektiven seine Sichtweise geprägt haben. Jordan betont auch seine tiefgreifenden Erfahrungen mit Technologie und Spielen und wie diese seine Denkweise beeinflusst haben. Das Gespräch wendet sich dann dem Konzept des "Wohlstands" zu, einem deutschen Begriff, der mehr als nur finanziellen Reichtum umfasst. Es geht um das allgemeine Wohlbefinden und die soziale Kohärenz. Jordan spricht über die Komplexität des Lebens und wie Technologien wie Geld diese Komplexität abstrahieren. Er betont die Bedeutung der Rückkehr zu einer Intimität und Verbindung mit der ganzen Welt und wie diese Verbindung zu einem besseren Verständnis von Wohlstand führen kann. Jordan spricht auch über das Konzept der Freiheit im Gegensatz zur "minimalen lebensfähigen Sklaverei". Er argumentiert, dass viele Menschen trotz des Fortschritts in der Gesellschaft immer noch in einer Art Sklaverei leben, sei es durch Angst oder Abhängigkeit von Geld und materiellen Gütern. Er betont die Bedeutung der wahren Freiheit und wie Menschen ihre wahren Berufungen finden und sich von künstlichen Beschränkungen befreien können. Zusammenfassend bietet das Gespräch tiefe Einblicke in die Konzepte von Wohlstand, Freiheit und der menschlichen Verbindung zur Welt. Es betont die Notwendigkeit, über den materiellen Reichtum hin...
Thomas Hann
New Wohlstand

10.10.2023 72 min

In diesem Gespräch teilt Thomas Hann seine persönliche und berufliche Geschichte, in der er seine Erfahrungen im Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und seine Ansichten über den Kapitalismus hervorhebt. Ein zentrales Thema, das er anspricht, ist die "regenerative Genossenschaft", ein Konzept oder eine Bewegung, die er als bedeutend für nachhaltige und zukunftsorientierte Wirtschaftsmodelle betrachtet. Er reflektiert tiefgreifend über seine Identität, seine Rolle in der Gesellschaft und seine spirituellen Überzeugungen, wobei er den Schamanismus und das Druidentum besonders betont. Für Thomas liegt ein besonderer Wert in den Verbindungen, die wir zu anderen Menschen und zur Natur pflegen. Er glaubt, dass diese Verbindungen uns zu einem tieferen Verständnis von Wohlstand und Erfüllung führen können. Während des Gesprächs spricht er auch über die Herausforderungen des modernen Lebens, insbesondere die Konflikte, die durch Konsum, Besitz und die ständige Suche nach Glück entstehen. Er argumentiert, dass wahrer Wohlstand und Zufriedenheit nicht nur durch materiellen Reichtum gemessen werden sollten, sondern auch durch persönliche Erfüllung und spirituelle Verbindung. Das Gespräch mit Thomas bietet einen tiefen Einblick in seine Gedanken und regt zur Reflexion über die Bedeutung von Wohlstand und regenerativen Wirtschaftsmodellen in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft an.
Julian Zuber
New Wohlstand

26.09.2023 67 min

In diesem Gespräch teilt Julian Zuber, Mitbegründer von German Zero, seine Einsichten und Strategien im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Zuber betont die Notwendigkeit, den Klimawandel als eine Frage der sozialen Gerechtigkeit zu betrachten. Er argumentiert, dass eine gerechte Verteilung der Lasten entscheidend ist, um die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels zu bewältigen. German Zero spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entwicklung eines Klimaplans, der Deutschland bis 2035 klimaneutral machen soll. Zuber diskutiert die politischen Aspekte des Klimawandels und betont die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit mit politischen Entscheidungsträgern. Er glaubt, dass politische Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit entscheidend sind, um die notwendigen Veränderungen herbeizuführen. Zuber spricht auch über die Bedeutung der Bürgerbeteiligung und des Engagements der Zivilgesellschaft im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Er ist der Meinung, dass die aktive Beteiligung der Bürger und die Mobilisierung der Zivilgesellschaft entscheidend sind, um die notwendigen Veränderungen zu erreichen. Abschließend betont Zuber die Notwendigkeit einer systemischen Veränderung und spricht über die Rolle von Innovation und Technologie bei der Bewältigung des Klimawandels. Er glaubt, dass technologische Innovationen und systemische Veränderungen Hand in Hand gehen müssen, um die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels effektiv anzugehen.
Marc Buckley
New Wohlstand

12.09.2023 82 min

Marc Buckley is a global citizen, an ecological economist, and a regenerative futurist who is deeply involved in various projects aimed at addressing global challenges and human suffering. Born to a German mother and having lived all over the world, Buckley has a broad perspective on global issues. He believes in addressing every facet of a complex system to solve humanity's grand challenges, embracing complexity and system science. Buckley studied ecological economics with Herman Dally at the University of Maryland and system science with Dr. Fritz of Capra. He works on seven major projects with the United Nations, including the Sustainable Development Goals for which he wrote the manifesto. He is also a founding member of Resilience Frontiers, a project aimed at creating resilient development goals. In addition to his work with the UN, Buckley sits on five high-level working groups with the World Economic Forum and the EU taxonomy for the ESG commission. He is also a global food systems reformist and a prolific author, having written two books in the last six months alone. His books focus on disrupting old models and patterns and envisioning a world that works for everyone. Buckley's drive comes from his desire to empower billions of global citizens to live an adaptive lifestyle of health and sustainability within the safe operating spaces of our planetary boundaries. He believes in taking care of oneself and living a life that feeds the soul. He practices discipline in his daily routine, focusing on reading, exercise, meditation, and maintaining a healthy diet. Bu...
David Hodgson
New Wohlstand

29.08.2023 171 min

David Hodgson, a former software architect, has a unique ability to connect dots and hold complexity, a skill he honed during his years of coding. After a midlife crisis triggered by his father's cancer diagnosis, he realized he wanted to pursue a life of meaning. This led him to an MBA in sustainable business, which was transformative for him and introduced him to the concept of regeneration. Hodgson's career took a turn when he discovered his ability to communicate with people from various professional backgrounds and translate their dialects, enabling collective meaning-making. This ability, coupled with his focus on the regenerative economy, led him to become a founding member of the Impact Hub in San Francisco. Here, he built a large network of people focused on social and ecological facets of regeneration. His motivation to contribute to a regenerative global economy was further fueled by the birth of his daughter, making him more committed to creating a future that she could inhabit. He has been connecting people and ideas, amplifying good things happening around the world, and nudging the world towards a brighter pathway. Hodgson's vision of a good life, or "wohlstand" as he refers to it, is about community and human-scale living. He believes in a society where everyone can pursue happiness within ecological boundaries. He advocates for a shift in societal focus from maximizing GDP to maximizing human wellbeing. His work is about creating a structure that allows for human thriving within the very real ecological boundaries that we live within.
Tomas Björkman
New Wohlstand

15.08.2023 87 min

Tomas Björkman is a Swedish entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to building a better world. He grew up in a lower-middle-class family and was the first in his family to attend university. His academic pursuits led him to study mathematics and physics, subjects he found easy and intriguing. However, the allure of the business world was too strong to resist. He ventured into entrepreneurship, starting businesses in property and banking. His experience in banking provided him with an insider's view of the market. In 2006, he sold his banking business to the fourth largest Swiss banking group, the EFG group. This marked a significant turning point in his life. After selling his business, Björkman set up his own foundation, the ECR Foundation. The foundation was established with the aim to explore the connection between personal inner growth and societal development. Initially, Björkman felt quite alone in this space, but over the years, more people have started to recognize the importance of this connection, especially in light of recent global events like Brexit, the Trump presidency, the storming of the Capitol, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Björkman holds a strong belief that Sweden and the Scandinavian countries could serve as an inspiration for societal development, despite having lost much of their previous societal strengths. He credits the Swedish society for providing him with the opportunity to go to university and satisfy his curiosity about the world. After leaving the business world, Björkman wrote a book called "The Market Myth". In it, he posits that the mark...
Amit Paul
New Wohlstand

31.07.2023 73 min

Amit Paul is a multifaceted individual with a background in business, music, and sustainable chemistry. As a teenager, he was part of a successful pop band, which gave him a unique perspective on fame and its impact on identity. He later pursued an MBA and joined his family's business in sustainable chemistry, aiming to reduce the amount of 'forever chemicals' in plastics. This venture taught him patience and the importance of understanding the complexities of change and transformation. In recent years, Paul has shifted his focus towards organizational transformation, launching a new company called Inner Works. This company aims to create a structure that acknowledges the economic, biophysical, and cultural realities of the world, and strives to build something that serves life. Paul's vision of a good life, or "wohlstand" as he refers to it, involves a sense of 'enoughness', rest, and discovery. He believes in a society where structures and institutions help individuals realize that they are enough, and where economic activity is not the sole focus. This vision is influenced by his experiences as a father, where he often finds himself wishing he had more patience. Paul's current project, the Regenerative Community Organism (RCO), aims to put the limited company back into relationship with the whole. It draws on ideas from the cooperative movement and stakeholder capitalism, among others. The RCO is designed to address the limitations of the limited liability company, which Paul believes is a problematic vehicle for change. He suggests that while the limited liability...
Daniel Christian Wahl
New Wohlstand

10.07.2023 73 min Initiative Regenerative Marktwirtschaft

Diese Diskussion ergründete die Beziehungen zwischen Menschheit, Technologie und Umwelt. Zunächst haben wir die Auswirkungen des Wohlstands auf die Gemeinschaft betrachtet und die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten bei der Skalierung dieser Effekte auf globaler Ebene diskutiert. Es wurde deutlich, dass Vertrauen für die Aufrechterhaltung dieser sozialen Strukturen unerlässlich ist. Im Anschluss daran betrachteten wir die rasante Entwicklung und Implementierung von Technologien, insbesondere Künstlicher Intelligenz. Während die Vorteile offensichtlich sind, haben wir auch die Risiken und möglichen Nachteile, insbesondere im Hinblick auf Missbrauch und Manipulation, hervorgehoben. Im Hinblick auf menschliche Beziehungen fragten wir uns, ob es notwendig oder sogar wünschenswert ist, unsere emotionalen Interaktionen zu quantifizieren und aufzuzeichnen. Wir erkannten, dass Beziehungen über bloße Transaktionen hinausgehen und tiefe emotionale Bindungen und Vertrauen erfordern. Als wir unser derzeitiges Wirtschaftssystem betrachteten, haben wir festgestellt, dass es oft durch Angst motiviert ist. Dennoch haben wir auch die positiven Aspekte der Angst erkannt - sie kann uns zum Wandel und zur Erneuerung antreiben. Schließlich haben wir das reiche kulturelle Erbe alter Weisheiten beleuchtet, das uns daran erinnert, dass das Leben in vielfältiger Weise verstanden werden kann. Unsere Überlegungen mündeten in der Aufforderung, die Fähigkeit zum kritischen Denken und zur philosophischen Reflexion zu bewahren und zu fördern. Es wurde betont, wie wichtig es ist, unsere Beziehungen zu...