New Wohlstand

Since 07/2023 55 Episoden

Lynx Guimond

New Wohlstand

21.11.2023 51 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

In this conversation Lynx Guimond, founder of Sailcargo shares about his life and the contribution towards a regenerative his organization makes.

The vision at Sailcargo is to prove the value of clean shipping. Through combining innovative, clean technologies with low-impact, regenerative systems, they aim to construct and operate a world-leading fleet of emission-free cargo ships.

Their flagship and pioneering vessel, Ceiba, is a 46-meter schooner currently being constructed at Astilleroverde, their green shipyard located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. When she hits the water, she will be the largest emission-free, wooden cargo ship in the world. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, we have Ceiba’s sister, Vega, which was originally built in 1909 before full restoration and refit in recent years. She is on the verge of beginning her new life as a sailing cargo vessel and becoming their first active ship.

Sailcargo is the top holding company responsible for the financial management, operational oversight, and market outreach of both of these ships. They are proud to offer their partners total commitment to a triple bottom line;

1. > Financial Security: We are proud to offer an annual return on investment of 6% after 5-10 years of active clean shipping.

2. > Environmental Protection: We are unconditionally committed to cleaning up the maritime industry. Our actions go beyond emission-free propulsion; Sailcargo´s business model is built around a regenerative, closed-loop cycle that integrates environmentally-conscious services with effective reforestation.

3. > Social Responsibility: Our shipyard, Astilleroverde, has become a trailblazer in how to operate a sustainable company. It houses shipwrights and professionals from both the local community and around the world.