New Wohlstand

Since 07/2023 55 Episoden

Rachel Donald

New Wohlstand

09.01.2024 63 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Rachel describes herself as a human being at her core, deeply involved in investigating gaslighting in the realm of climate corruption. She focuses on those who claim to do good but continue harmful practices. This drive stems from her upbringing in a household with a strong orientation towards justice, yet marred by unspoken pain and gaslighting. Rachel emphasizes the importance of truth-telling and courage, especially in the face of widespread disinformation and a misleading political stage.
Rachel’s journey has been varied and unconventional. She started as a tabloid journalist, later quitting to pursue different paths, including teaching in France, running a publishing house in Eastern Germany, and working in a corporate role. Throughout her career, she remained focused on communication, education, and uncovering underlying truths.
Her path led her to develop the Planet Critical podcast, which evolved into a platform for investigating capitalism and the climate crisis. Rachel’s work in this area highlighted the interconnectedness of corrupt politics, financial systems, and environmental degradation. She rebranded her work to focus on climate corruption and crisis resolution.
Rachel shares her definition of wealth, discussing how it is derived from the exploitation of natural abundance. She believes that wealth transformation is analogous to energy transformation, emphasizing that power in the world is the capacity to transform natural abundance into sovereign wealth. Rachel advocates for rethinking our relationship with natural resources and wealth creation.
Discussing the concept of a good life, Rachel emphasizes the importance of being part of a community and ecosystem, appreciating natural abundance without ownership, and fostering joy, fearlessness, trust, and protection. She envisions a world where people are more connected to the life cycles of things they engage with and are aware of the origins and production of everyday items.
Rachel critiques the concept of work as a societal scam, suggesting that communities should focus on providing what they need rather than laboring for profit. She envisions a future where communities are self-sufficient, networked, and operate on natural resource budgets, prioritizing collective well-being over individual gain.
The conversation delves into governance, where Rachel proposes a form of anarchy characterized by community sovereignty and networking. She discusses the need for accountability and the role of compassion and violence in governance. Rachel emphasizes the importance of recognizing our full human potential, including the capacity for violence and goodness.
Rachel discusses the possibility of global solidarity and the need for the working classes worldwide to recognize their shared exploitation. She highlights the importance of diverse voices and perspectives in shaping a more equitable and just world.