New Wohlstand

Since 07/2023 33 Episoden
Willkommen beim "New Wohlstand" Podcast, präsentiert von IRM (Regenerative Marktwirtschaft). In dieser inspirierenden Podcast-Reihe erkunden wir alternative Wege, den Wohlstand neu zu definieren und zu gestalten. Tauchen Sie ein in fesselnde Gespräche mit Experten, Visionären und Praktikern, die sich für eine nachhaltigere und gerechtere Wirtschaft einsetzen. Entdecken Sie innovative Lösungsansätze, um den finanziellen, sozialen, ökologischen und kulturellen Wohlstand unserer Gesellschaft zu fördern. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren, neue Perspektiven zu gewinnen und die Grundlagen für eine zukunftsfähige und regenerative Marktwirtschaft zu legen. Willkommen bei "New Wohlstand" - wo wir die Wege des Wohlstands für eine bessere Zukunft erkunden.

Caroline Shenaz Hossein

Redefining Economic Success: Cooperative Living

07.05.2024 68 min

Caroline Shenaz Hossein, an Associate Professor of Global Development and Political Economy at the University of Toronto, shares her vision for a cooperative-based economic model. She emphasizes the need to reshape our understanding of success, focusing on communal well-being and solidarity economies over traditional capitalist models.

Caroline highlights her work with the Diverse Solidarity Economies Collective, a group of feminist economists dedicated to creating an economy that prioritizes people over profits. She also discusses the significance of the “banker ladies,” women organizing finances through mutual aid systems, and how their work exemplifies a people-centric approach.

Caroline reflects on her upbringing as a diasporic child with Caribbean roots, noting the importance of togetherness and mutual support in shaping her values. She advocates for recognizing the diverse economic systems that exist beneath the surface and integrating them into mainstream discourse. Ultimately, she envisions a shift from profit-driven goals to models that prioritize social profitability, community engagement, and well-being, paving the way for a regenerative and inclusive market economy.

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Isabel Gennaro

The Power of Spirituality in Creating Systemic Change

30.04.2024 66 min

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Gaya Herrington

Rewriting the Future

23.04.2024 57 min

In this thought-provoking conversation, Gaya Herrington shares her insights on what a good life for all might look like and the kind of society and economy w...

Katherine Trebeck

Redefining Wealth

16.04.2024 56 min

In this episode we are joined by Catherine Trebeck, an advocate for economic system change and co-founder of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. Catherine shares...